What I Learned

Review Ticket - Personal Reflection on Lesson: 5.1 Beneficial and Harmful Effects of Computing Innovations

Date of Lesson: December 4, 2023

Duration of Lesson: Approximately 4 minutes

My Thoughts and Learnings:

This lesson exploring the impacts of computing innovations resonated deeply with me. It was eye-opening to see how technology, meant for specific purposes, can significantly shape our lives, often in unexpected ways.

Fascinating Points:

  1. Real-world Scenarios: The discussion on Amazon, Instacart, and how they’ve revolutionized lifestyles truly captivated my interest. I found the example of multirotor drones for deliveries and aerial photography particularly interesting showcasing the evolution of everyday practices. I liked how there were many real-world examples of technology.

  2. Diving into Effects: What struck me most was the contrast between the incredible advancements in medicine, business efficiency, and creative fields against the darker side, like cyberbullying and job displacement due to technological shifts. It made me reflect on the double-edged nature of innovation.

  3. Engaging Exploration: The “Popcorn hacks” were a unique and engaging approach that I found highly effective. Explaining topics like accelerometers and the dichotomy of effects - Connectivity versus Misinformation - in such a practical manner was enlightening.

Key Learnings:

  1. Unintended Consequences: The lesson reiterated that while technology brings immense benefits, its unintended consequences demand attention. It made me more aware of the responsibility that comes with technological advancements. I think there is a huge constrast between beneficial/harmful effects.

  2. Complexities of Innovation: I learned that computing innovations aren’t just black and white; they’re a blend of positives and negatives. It’s crucial to navigate this intricate landscape with careful consideration.

Personal Takeaway:

This lesson made me realize that embracing technology’s positives while understanding its potential downsides is crucial. It’s not just about enjoying the benefits but also being mindful of its impact on our lives and society.


Overall, I found this lesson highly informative and engaging.