Reflection on CSP Collegeboard Exam Questions

score.png During my recent CSP Collegeboard Exam, I did a lot better than the previous exams. I felt like understanding the questions was lot easier, although there was a bit of a time crunch towards the end. I have a lot more vocab knowledge/it takes less time for me to interpret collegeboard pseudocode. However, I still had trouble on pseudocode. For me, the code questions took some thinking, and some of them took way longer then they should have. For example, I should have been able to logic through them easier, but I wasn’t able through.

Here are some questions I stumbled on:

append.png For 55, I forgot my list operations-append adds elements to the end of list, but insert adds things at a specific index.

43.png For 43, I didn’t know what keylogging was and had to look it up.

43.png Number 7 was suprisinlgy hard for me to keep track off and took me full four minutes to figure it out.

I remembered mod operation/binary this time, which made remembered.