As new computing systems come out people will change how they go about their day-to-day buisness to take advantage of new technology. Companies like AMazon and Instacart have changed the way many people show and continue to change lifestyles.

Popcorn hack #1

Accelerometers in phones are used to detect the orientation of the device in space. They can determine if the device is in portrait or landscape mode, which allows the screen to automatically adjust accordingly. Gaming and Motion Controls: In mobile gaming, accelerometers enable motion-based interactions. For instance, tilting the phone can control the movement of a character or vehicle in a game.

Computing innovations have had great contributions to society, improving the quality of living. However, while computing innovations are typically designed to achieve a specific purpose, they may have unintended consequences.

Multirotor drones used for aerial photography and surveillance (Used by ASB for the social media accounts!)



Beneficial Effects of computing

Harmul Effects of Computing Inovations

A great example of a beneficial computing machine would be 3D printers

Key points to remember:

Popcorn hack #2

They result in Connectivity and Communication, but also Misinofmtation/Fake News

Unintended Uses


Negative Effects


- "Free" Games and Apps
- Cosmetics, paywall to function, sometimes pay-to-win
    - Watermark removal 
    - In game currency 
    - Unlockable content
    - Subscriptions 
    - Cosmetics (ie. Fortnite skins)
- SBUX with Starbucks 
    - Other businesses can't compete 
    - "Casino Effect"

Casino Effect 
    - Progression Systems 
    - Visual and Sound Cues
    - Social Engagement and Competition

Loot Boxes (Banned in certain countries)
    - Loot boxes are in-game reward systems found in many video games. They typically offer players a chance to obtain virtual items or rewards, often with varying levels of rarity or value. These boxes can be earned through gameplay or purchased using real money.

    Dicussion and/or ban on loot boxes in the following:

        - Belgium
        - Netherlands
        - China
        - Japan 
        - South Korea
        - United States 

Dopamine Feedback Loops

Dopamine acts on areas of the brain to give you feelings of pleasure, satisfaction and motivation. Dopamine also has a role to play in controlling memory, mood, sleep, learning, concentration, movement and other body functions.


These things make you feel happy. This makes you seek this feeling of validation and happiness, always wanting to get that next hit of dopamine. This makes you spend more time on the applications (mainly social media), further increasing your dependancy.

Have you ever found yourself scrolling on TikTok, Instragram Reels or any other forms of short entertainment?

Leads to:

Always be concious about the amount of screen time you spend. You don’t have to cut it out of your life completely, but try to keep it in moderation.

What I Learned Review Ticket - Personal Reflection on Lesson: 5.1 Beneficial and Harmful Effects of Computing Innovations

Date of Lesson: December 4, 2023

Duration of Lesson: Approximately 4 minutes

My Thoughts and Learnings:

This lesson exploring the impacts of computing innovations resonated deeply with me. It was eye-opening to see how technology, meant for specific purposes, can significantly shape our lives, often in unexpected ways.

Fascinating Points:

Real-world Scenarios: The discussion on Amazon, Instacart, and how they’ve revolutionized lifestyles truly captivated my interest. I found the example of multirotor drones for deliveries and aerial photography particularly interesting showcasing the evolution of everyday practices. I liked how there were many real-world examples of technology.

Diving into Effects: What struck me most was the contrast between the incredible advancements in medicine, business efficiency, and creative fields against the darker side, like cyberbullying and job displacement due to technological shifts. It made me reflect on the double-edged nature of innovation.

Engaging Exploration: The “Popcorn hacks” were a unique and engaging approach that I found highly effective. Explaining topics like accelerometers and the dichotomy of effects - Connectivity versus Misinformation - in such a practical manner was enlightening.

Key Learnings:

Unintended Consequences: The lesson reiterated that while technology brings immense benefits, its unintended consequences demand attention. It made me more aware of the responsibility that comes with technological advancements. I think there is a huge constrast between beneficial/harmful effects.

Complexities of Innovation: I learned that computing innovations aren’t just black and white; they’re a blend of positives and negatives. It’s crucial to navigate this intricate landscape with careful consideration.

Personal Takeaway:

This lesson made me realize that embracing technology’s positives while understanding its potential downsides is crucial. It’s not just about enjoying the benefits but also being mindful of its impact on our lives and society.


Overall, I found this lesson highly informative and engaging.