Computing Bias - Hanlun

What is it?


Popcorn Hack #1:

Which of the following scenarios is an example of computing bias?

A. An email filtering system accurately categorizes emails into spam and non-spam based on a diverse set of features, minimizing false positives and false negatives.
B. A navigation app provides real-time traffic updates and alternate routes to users, considering various factors such as traffic volume, road closures, and weather conditions.
C. An image recognition algorithm identifies objects in photographs with high accuracy, regardless of the gender, ethnicity, or age of the individuals depicted.
D. An automated hiring system consistently favors candidates from specific educational institutions and backgrounds, resulting in the exclusion of qualified applicants from diverse backgrounds.

D is the right answer!

Types of Computing Bias - Trevor

Computing bias can be either intentional or unintentional and as said before, this bias is a result of human biases in development. Here are some examples:

Popcorn Hack #2:

An online example of computing bias is when an HP computer’s facial recognition system couldn’t track the face of someone with darker skin. Why is this and what type of bias is it? Do you think it was intentional or unintentional?

It is data bias!

Explicit and Implicit Data - Lakshanya

Popcorn Hack #3:

Tiktok algorithms, cookies, GPS tracking ur location, etc

Mitigation Strategies: - Matthew

More Mitigation Strategies: - Aditya

Post-processing: This type of strategy is comprised of 3 parts, input correction, classifier correction, output correction

Input Correction:

What it is: Imagine you have a machine learning model that identifies objects in images. Input correction involves making adjustments to the images used to test the model after it has already been trained.

Example: If the model was trained mostly on pictures taken during the day, input correction might involve adjusting the brightness and color balance of images taken at night to make them more comparable.

Classifier Correction:

What it is: This step focuses on fine-tuning the algorithm or model after training to reduce any biases or discrimination it might have inadvertently learned.

Example: Suppose you have a model for hiring decisions, and you notice it tends to favor certain demographics. Classifier correction could involve tweaking the decision-making rules to ensure fair treatment for all groups.

Output Correction:

What it is: After the model makes predictions, output correction involves modifying those predictions to eliminate any biases or unwanted discrimination.

Example: If a language translation model tends to produce more errors when translating sentences from one language to another, output correction might involve adjusting the final translated sentences to be more accurate and fair.

In summary, post-processing is like a three-step check and adjustment process to ensure that a machine learning model behaves fairly and accurately, even after it has been trained. Input correction modifies the testing data, classifier correction fine-tunes the model, and output correction adjusts the final predictions. This helps in addressing issues like biases and discrimination that may arise during the model training process.


Problem: Biased Predictive Policing Algorithm: A city implements a predictive policing algorithm to allocate law enforcement resources more efficiently. However, concerns arise as community members and activists notice that the algorithm appears to disproportionately target certain neighborhoods, leading to over-policing and potential violations of civil rights. Provide a solution to how this situation can be resolved, and how the computing bias can be removed. Explain which method of mitigation you will use and how it works.

We can use Classifier Correction. By focusing on Classifier Correction, the goal is to modify the decision-making process of the algorithm itself. This method aims to eliminate biases and ensure that law enforcement resources are allocated fairly and without discrimination across different neighborhoods. Through this, the the computing bias can be removed and this situation can be resolved. Therefore, biases/discrimination would be eliminated to ensure fair treatment for all groups (similar to the example shown above)

Reflective Summary: Computing Bias Lesson on Nighthawk-Pages

Title: Computing Bias Lesson
Published: December 11, 2023
Reading Time: Approx. 6 minutes

I’m writing to share my reflections on the Computing Bias Lesson available on Nighthawk-Pages. The lesson was an interesting exploration into the intricate realm of computing biases. Through this experience, I gained valuable insights:

Understanding Bias Types:
The lesson delved deep into the various biases prevalent in algorithms, emphasizing both intentional and unintentional biases. I gained an understanding of data bias, human bias, and algorithmic bias and how these biases intersect to impact technological innovations.

Real-world Scenarios:
The practical examples, such as the HP facial recognition system encountering data bias and the implications of biased predictive policing algorithms, elucidated how biases manifest in everyday technology.

Mitigation Strategies:
Exploring diverse mitigation strategies was interesting. Concepts like pre-processing, in-processing, and post-processing methods to identify and rectify biases embedded in algorithms.

Problem-solving Approach:
The homework scenario involving mitigating biased predictive policing algorithms by implementing Classifier Correction showcased practical problem-solving skills to address real-world biases in technology.

Reflective Insights:
This lesson has broadened my perspective on the pervasive issue of biases in computing. It has equipped me with a foundational understanding of identifying, addressing, and mitigating biases in technology.